Aug 31, 2008

Back in GR

Wednesday evening around 6:30 my plane finally touched down in the Gerald R. Ford International Airport. I'm back. Carina's former room mate Amy was there to pick us up, and take us back to her place. We freshened up, then headed out again to go see more friends. We drove over to Colin's place (and Mitch's place, and Johnny's place, and ben, tony, kevin, ben, nathaniel, etc) and were greeted with hugs and a delicious meal out on the front porch. Later Emma Slager and Oliver stopped by, as well as Asa and Mag. So many friends the first evening back, it was great!

Thursday morning I didn't wake up until noon. But that's 9:00 am west coast time, so it's not as terrible as it sounds. Amy, Carina and I went swimming, grocery shopping, and made a delicious curry dinner which we shared with Donnie (best friend of Amy, and fun guy). After dinner we went out to the movies which was fun, even though Wanted was a slightly disappointing movie.

Friday Amy and Donnie headed off to Texas to visit Donnie's family. Amy kindly left her car here for Carina and I to use. We packed up our things and headed over to Colin's house to spend the next two nights. We also did a little shopping for a few things we'll need in our new place. But not too much. Most of our shopping will have to wait until we get into our apartment (tonight!).

Yesterday (Saturday), I got a lot of reading done. As well as some exploring of the neighborhood. In the later afternoon, we walked down to gas light village with Colin, and napped in the shade by Reed's Lake. Then grabbed some delicious ice cream for the walk back.

Tonight, Carina and I will be able to move into our new apartment. I'm excited to finally get settled in my own space. I start working on tuesday, meet with the head of academic services on wednesday (to talk about my plan now that I've changed majors), work on thursday and friday, celebrate ana's birthday on thursday night, and pick up Carsten and Dathan from the airport friday evening. Classes start the 8th.

(and no, I haven't actually been to see the Calder - bir red sculpture, and symbol of Grand Rapids - yet, but I'm sure I'll see it soon)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Greetings Kaylee Joy,

In line with moving forward with your change in major, I heartily recommend balancing your required classes with an elective class or two in Economics, the basics of which you will use the rest of your life regardless of your career.

Economics from my perspective is the study of decision making as it relates to the allocation of resources. And this concept of resource allocation underpins and drives politics at all levels.

Best wishes to you and Carina as you begin your new school year!

Humbly and affectionately,

Uncle Roger
05 Sept '08 @ 20:20 PDT