Aug 30, 2007

well... looks like my plans for classes I'll be taking this first semester, have slightly changed - and I've had to unwillingly accept it. Neither Choir I got into by audition fits into my schedule, because they conflict with my physics class and my freshman intro class. Nugget! I have decided to join the Gospel Choir though, because I figure I'd rather sing with a not-so-good choir, than not sing at all. Maybe even more saddening, is the fact that I can't take French this term. Apparently, I'm already taking 17 credits, and I can't add French without removing history (which is a core class that I really need to get out of the way). So... after an entire summer of speaking French only to Ginny, I must wait another 5 months before I can possibly be in another French class.

On a happier note:
-I have a new Asian friend named DK!
-I heard a guy in my Quest group (freshman orientation thingy) today say "nice!" with that strange tone I acquired from Anna :)
-My sister's friend Oliver, has offered to give me all his old engineering books, which could easily save me $200.
-I love my room mate.
-Tonight I'm going to a lake with my Quest group...
-I've had a lot of fun staying up late with my floor... but that means I fell asleep during probably 4 different boring presentations to the freshmen today. ooops.


Gregorous_Maximus said...

Already starting the partying/sleeping in skool routine!? I expected you of all people to hold out a little longer! hahahaha

ginnybobinny said...

zut alors! i love you! talk to you later! :D

Emma J said...

hey, i'm glad that you're getting some fun times in at college

Bishop said...

If the presentations are boring enough for people to fall asleep during then that is what they get. That stinks about not being able to take the classes you want. I admire you for making such an effort and stride towards what you actually want to do. I don't even have an idea about what I want to major in. I highly doubt that this is possible but hopefully the new asian DK is as cool as our DK. Unlikely though. Eugene DK is my hero/favorite person ever. Ahhh!

Love ya long time.

Lukester said...

i admire you as well. your aspirations to take both french (a language) and choir, are two things foreign to me to be bummed about not being in. Did that sentence make sense? Anyways, i've got one more class today, and then, another long weekend!

Unknown said...

Greetings Kaylee,

Seventeen credits . . . ya think that's enough?? Once upon a time, the rule of thumb was 4 hours of homework for each credit. Your week is looking pretty full, although it reads like you are enjoying the adventure . . . despite sleep deprivation!

Can't wait to hear/read more about the Gospel Choir . . . alternatively, you could crank-it-up in the shower, but then you'd be doing solos in the rain. Hmmm . . . solos in the rain, maybe you should save that for when you want to be reminded of being home in Oregon.

Stay healthy . . . {8^)


Uncle Roger
07 Sep '07 @ 12:00 PDT