May 22, 2008

Home for the Summer

Today I have been home for a total of 5 days.  I arrived at the Eugene airport Friday night to be welcomed by my family and the Selvens.  It was wonderful to see everyone at once.  We headed out to dinner together and got to spend a little time catching up.  What a lovely welcome home party.  I even got to see James at the airport.

The next morning, After feeding the homeless under the bridge with my family, Carina and I took Jamie graduation dress shopping.  She found the cutest dress right away.  She looked stunning.  But we decided to put it on hold, just so we could check out a few other places.  Unfortunately, the people at the store didn't know the meaning of "may I put this on hold please?  My name is Jamie."  Because we came back a few hours later and they had sold it to another girl.  ugh.  Oh well, they felt bad, and gave Jamie three 25% off coupons, so we'll be returning when their next shipment comes in.  Saturday night I made it over to Peter Barnes's house (a close friend from school for 12 years) for his going away party.  Peter left on his two-year Mormon mission this morning.  He is so excited to learn russian and bring peop
le joy and hope.  I am proud of him.

Sunday Morning I went to church.  It was really nice to see so many familiar faces at church.  I spent so much time hugging people that I was a few minutes late to Beth's Sunday school lesson.  She talked about spiritual gifts, and how we can nurture the gifts present within our church.  Very interesting, and hopefully a good start to some good work in our congregation.  At church I got to see Anna and Page, which was wonderful.  I had missed them both so much over the school year.  If I remember correctly, Sunday night I spent at home with my family.

Monday morning I woke up nice and early and got ready to go to the oral surgeon.  Out with the wisdom teeth!  I remember very very little.  When I finally became really conscious, I was lying on the couch at home and mom was changing the gauze in my mouth.  She was wonderful to me.  I iced my face all day, and wasn't swollen at all by the late afternoon.  I even at dinner: yumm bowls!
Tuesday morning, I woke up at 4:45 am.  My face was quite swollen and uncomfortable, and I couldn't sleep.  I got up to get some more ice, and tried to fall back asleep.  I spent most of the day reading.  Anna Karenina is a very good book so far.  I would recommend it.  Around 10:45, Peter Barnes came over to say goodbye and catch up a bit.  He so kindly brought me some chocolate ice cream, and it was gone before the morning was over!  We had a great time sharing college stories, talking theology, and saying goodbye.  It will be quite a while before I see him again.

Today (Wednesday), I didn't wake up until 9:30.  Last night I was out late watching Iron Man with Ginny, Jay, David, Andrew, James and DK.  But I got up and found a note from my mom on the kitchen table.  She asked me to cook up some chicken for this weekend (we're going to Seattle for Jamie's volleyball tournament), so I spent the first part of the morning in the kitchen.  The rest of the day I spent reading, writing letters, making graduation cards for friends, wasting time on facebook, and complaining that my face is still puffy.  Not quite as uncomfortable as yesterday though.

I only have a few more week days left to enjoy before I have to start work.  Tomorrow I'm sharing lunch with a good friend, and I'm very excited.  It's important to catch up with the people you haven't seen for months.

Hopefully tomorrow my face will be back to normal.

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