Jan 25, 2008

January Is Coming To An End.

Interim finished on Wednesday, so I've had a few days to do whatever I feel like. It was so wonderful dancing so much over interim, that I miss it already. I would love to take ballet classes for the rest of the school year, but none are offered on campus, and I have no means of transport (or payment) for classes elsewhere. Oh well. Now that I've started getting back into shape, I've decided to head to the gym. Been going every day to run on the elliptical for at least half an hour, it feels good.

I've also taken these past few empty days to get some little things done. I have been doing work towards possible engineering internships this summer, and have applied for scholarships for next years enormous tuition bill. And of course, I manage to find plenty of time to hang out and have fun. Last night I went out to dinner and bowling with some friends from my floor. My two biggest accomplishments of the night:
1) I ate my huge red robin's burger faster than anyone else (except for Mag)
2) I got a double while bowling! yeah.

I think I'm looking forward to next semester, but I won't really know what it's going to be like until it starts. Mostly, I'm just looking forward to the return of Carina (tomorrow night) and Carsten (Sunday night).

Oh, I've also been getting some good reading done, and have become hooked on LOST, thanks to my wonderful room mate Ana.

I think that's about all for now.

Here is Asa, Me and David. At the bowling alley.

Here am I with Byron, Chandler (top), Mag, and Erika.


Unknown said...

Greetings Kaylee,

It's wonderful of you to make time to post on your blog. And it's such a joy to keep up with you this way.

Staying in shape is a great idea. Make it a life habit so you can serve the great I AM to the max.

Looking forward to reading your next post!

Humbly and affectionately,

Uncle Roger
28 Jan '08 @ 00:30 PST

Bishop said...

I miss you! I wish we could have seen each other a little more over break. I'm glad to hear you are enjoying yourself though.
Stay sweet.

James!! said...

Ummm lost is awesome! I'm just now introducing one of my friends to its majesties. I need to come visit you!

James!! said...

O Kaylee. I think you might need a new post....