Jan 8, 2008


I arrived back in Grand Rapids nearly a week ago, but it already feels like it's been much longer. I came in on Wednesday night a little over an hour late. My friend Zach picked me up from the airport, and kindly helped me haul my large suitcases up to my room. It felt both strange and nice to be back at Calvin.

The next morning classes started bright and early. Most people take one class during interim, but some choose to travel (like Carina) or work or study abroad. I'm here on campus, taking a DCM (developing a Christian mind) class. Every calvin student is required to take a DCM class once, and usually you take it your freshman year. There are about 30 to choose from, and there's quite a variety of subjects. The course I'm taking is called Human Nature, and it's basically a psychology class. So far, in the first four days of class, we've talked about worldviews, main differences between the Christian worldview and those of the world, the brain and it's functions, the difference between "mind" and "brain," and hermeneutics. We've studied some scripture, and I think we will used passages and characters in the Bible to illustrate many topics in the curriculum. We've already had one paper to write; the question was "what does the Bible say about human nature?" I actually enjoyed writing it, and finding passages from scripture to support my thesis. I think this class will be really good, and my professor is amazing.

I'm also taking a ballet class, just to keep exercising, and attempt to get back into the shape I was in while dancing back home. That will be difficult, because I was once dancing 12 hours a week, and my Ballet II class only meets on Thursday and Friday afternoons from 12:00 to 3:00. I found it quite annoying that Ballet I meets Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and we meet Thursday and Friday. Why not spread them out over the week? The way it is now, I wait nearly a week between Friday's class and the following Thursday. So I talked to my teacher, and she said I was allowed to go to Ballet I's classes as well, if I wanted. After classes last week, I was so sore. Everything from my neck to my abs, my but to my calves to my feet. But I went back today, and worked off most of the soreness. It's so nice to be back in ballet class.

After ballet, I work on the little homework I get, then just hang out, something fun always comes up. Bowling, movie, Ethiopian food, book club, shopping for groceries, whatever. I find myself bored sometimes, but I think it's mostly because it's strange not having Carsten here with me. I miss both him and Carina, and am eagerly awaiting their return.

I will probably start working again this week. During January, work is voluntary, and first come first serve. Which is nice. I can work as little or as much as I want, any night I want to.

Calvin also has an awesome January Series, a series of guests who give amazing lectures, everyday in the Fine Arts Center. It's packed to the max every day. I've only been able to attend once so far, because ballet conflicts with it, but it was really good. Sonia Nazario, the author of Enrique's Journey, came to talk about illegal immigration from central America. She gave her first hand account of what the journey is like, and why it is made by so many single moms, and later their young children. It was heart-wrenching, and I found myself tearing up. She also talked about the political side of the issue, and gave multiple perspectives on the issue of immigration. I think everyone left feeling more informed and aware of the national issue.

Well, that's about all there is for now. I'll probably forget to update for another few months, but I'll do my best to try. Letters, phone calls and e-mails are always welcome, especially if you want me to keep in contact with you better. Love you all,
kaylee joy

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Hey Kaylee!!

Ooh! I hope you're doing well. You're so far away, but with the blog, it doesn't seem quite so far sometimes. It's always good to hear what you're up to... Hang in and be inspired!! Love you lots--