Sep 10, 2007

Tears before the Lord

Having never before been a big fan of poetry, I was surprised as I was moved to tears, moments ago in Chapel.

As I entered the Chapel, I was greeted at the door and given a tasty looking apple. I found a seat in the back, between two friends, and began singing the opening song. After singing, we sat down and the Chaplin, who is new this year, began his first message of the year. He began telling us the story of how he came to Christ...

40 years ago, he set foot on Calvin's campus, not a Christian. He made his way through his first three years still an unbeliever. It was halfway through his senior year, in a literature class, that Paradise Lost, a poem by Jon Milton changed his life. He read to us the portion he had read in class, and as Eve bit into the apple, we all did as well. He told us of how as he took that bite of apple in class, he felt the spirit within him. It was the bite that eventually lead him home. And he's been coming home ever since.

He then prayed the most beautiful prayer, and as I sat there listening, and praying with him, silently, I began to cry. We stood up and sang Amazing Grace, and it was the most passionately I've ever heard it sung before.

Chapel, one in which everyone has chosen to attend and worship, is an amazing experience.

When the Calvin community comes together to worship, the spirit is present, and his power is visible. Every Sunday night, there is a LOFT service (Living Our Faith Together). Last night, the music was good, and the message was even better. Having just discussed the gospel of Ruth the night before with a few guys on my floor, it was great to find that we would be studying the very same book. And many conclusions we drew the night before, were reinforced in the message of the LOFT service. Then as we got ready to leave for the night, everyone held hands. (imagine a circular room, with everyone holding hands...) We sang a song of encouragement to one another, and of praise, with our hands up, in awe, during the chorus.

What an amazing community.

Thanks be to God.


Unknown said...

Greetings Kaylee,

"Paradise Lost" by John Milton has been added to my reading list. And having not long ago, watched the movie "Amazing Grace" about the abolition of slavery led by William Wilberforce, the song, written by John Newton, is indeed even more moving now that I understand the associated history. Thanks for sharing. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post.


Uncle Roger
11 Sep '07 @ 01:25 PDT

Unknown said...

Hi Kaylee--Enjoyed your comments on John Milton's work on "Paradise Lost". Will keep up with your blogs

Love,......Goong Goong

ginnybobinny said...

gracious... i am jealous of... no- i am glad things are so "Godly" for lack of a better word. but it's great to see His hand working with you. your post actually brought me some peace from recent happenings.... nice. love you.

Lukester said...


Lukester said...
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Emma J said...

kalys, i'm glad that God is blessing you in such incredibly rich ways

seriously, praise God and a mosdef amen for the peace of the Spirit that you feel

I love the way your words describe your faith, reading that brought a calmness to my night
