Aug 30, 2007

well... looks like my plans for classes I'll be taking this first semester, have slightly changed - and I've had to unwillingly accept it. Neither Choir I got into by audition fits into my schedule, because they conflict with my physics class and my freshman intro class. Nugget! I have decided to join the Gospel Choir though, because I figure I'd rather sing with a not-so-good choir, than not sing at all. Maybe even more saddening, is the fact that I can't take French this term. Apparently, I'm already taking 17 credits, and I can't add French without removing history (which is a core class that I really need to get out of the way). So... after an entire summer of speaking French only to Ginny, I must wait another 5 months before I can possibly be in another French class.

On a happier note:
-I have a new Asian friend named DK!
-I heard a guy in my Quest group (freshman orientation thingy) today say "nice!" with that strange tone I acquired from Anna :)
-My sister's friend Oliver, has offered to give me all his old engineering books, which could easily save me $200.
-I love my room mate.
-Tonight I'm going to a lake with my Quest group...
-I've had a lot of fun staying up late with my floor... but that means I fell asleep during probably 4 different boring presentations to the freshmen today. ooops.

Aug 28, 2007

Today I met with an advisor, to finally figure out my schedule. Finally, after months and months of debating in my mind, I've decided to major in Engineering. Once again, I will be surrounded by males. I hope to major in French as well, which leaves me with the daunting idea of taking 5 years to graduate. Hopefully I enjoy school at Calvin! I'm excited for this coming semester, which begins September 4th, but am also slightly nervous, as I realize I'm taking on a hefty load...
Engineering 101
Engineering 106
Calc II
Physics 133
French 215
Campus Choir
Oratorio Choir
and either a History, Writing, or Religion class

On top of that, I'm looking to find an on-campus job as soon as possible, to have a little spending money available. Time for fun and time to study are going to have to fit in there somewhere too!

But the Lord has blessed me with an amazing room mate, and I look forward to the next few months.
Thank you for your prayers.
As I look back on the last few weeks, so many things seem to have begun to change. Leaving Eugene, and all my amazing friends, has been the toughest change of all. Being in a friendly but strange place, seems all the more foreign when I have no one to good game, and when I can no longer say "may I?" with out creeping everyone out. However it's been eye-opening to meet friendly, God-loving people every way I turn. I know that in time, strong friendships will be made. However, nothing can ever compare to the friendships I've made back home. Growing up with Greg, Amy, Collin, Andrew, Ginny, and Mary... creates a bond and lasting memories that can never be replaced. And the wonderful people I've met over the past few years - David, Luke, Amy, Jay, James, Kasey - have made a lasting impact on my heart. Everyone has been so special to me, and I look forward, with eagerness and anticipation, to Christmas break, when we all may once again be reunited.

I love you with all my heart.